Thursday, April 14, 2011

Breast Pad FAIL!

I like to think that the though of going out in public for extended periods of time right now is the same way I feel when I have a dream that I am standing in front of a crowd...naked!

I am 5 weeks into EBF my son and though I have read that your boobs stop leaking once they get on schedule with your child, it seems my child and boobs haven't settled on a schedule yet. And let's face it, I cannot sit, holed up, in this house forever. I NEED to get out! I WANT to get out. I DON'T WANT the whole world staring at me because I have a wet spot on my shirt the size of the Atlantic.

Yesterday, my mom and I went out shopping with the little man and had lunch. At one point, I was BF'ing in a changing room at JC Penney's. My milk supply seemed to be on overhaul and my dear Son was so 'stuffed' he couldn't bear the thought of one more drop. I was in pain. I was expressing by hand in rest rooms just to get relief. I figured between my layered shirts and breast pads, I wouldn't need to worry about a leak showing up. Boy was I wrong.

As my mom and I left the restaurant we had lunch at, my hand swiped over my shirt and I felt a cool sensation. I looked done and gosh darn it, there it was. The Atlantic. All across the lower half of my shirt. And my mother wanted to know how it got down there....then finished her own question by answers, "Oh, your boobs hang out down there now too!"

Let's hear it! Share your epic Breast Pad Fail/Leak in Public Incident.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Nips!

OUCH! You know what I am talking about! Those POOR nipples!!

Sometimes mine resemble the state of Texas. Sometimes they resemble a red buzzard you would hit when you are on a game show! I usually use Lanolin on them after nursings but sometimes, none the less, they still will just 'ache'.

I stumbled across this interested fact from Freda Rosenfeld, IBCLC, today in an article online. Freda says to use Olive Oil to help keep your nipples hydrated and protected while breastfeeding.

Has anyone heard of this before? What other things have you been told you can use to care for your nipples besides Lanolin?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Leak

There is no doubt you are producing milk when you spring a leak like a sprinkler!

The other morning I woke up and as I was feeding my baby, I sprung a leak...on the other side....and I had to cover it with the burp cloth to contain it. I felt like Old Faithful. It was like a garden hose that wouldn't turn off!! I have seen drips and 'slow leaks', but this was unreal!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Book Recommendation: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

Have you read it yet?

I ordered this book and started reading it prior to delivering my son. I wanted to be as prepared as possible once he was here. He is almost a month now and I am still reading this book and referring to it anytime I need to 'trouble shoot'!

If you are looking for a book on Breastfeeding, I highly recommend this one! After all, I wouldn't know a thing about hindmilk and foremilk and forceful letdown if it weren't for this book!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Decision

When I found out I was pregnant, I always just assumed I would breastfeed. I would say, when asked if I was going to breastfeed, "Well, I am going to try". Key word here is 'try'. I started reading up and found out that breastfeeding is a tad more taboo in this country still, more so than it should be. I quickly learned that if I planned to have any luck with BF'ing, I would need to start replying to this question by saying "YES, I AM going to breastfeed".

Some say it is a mind set. Most of the time, as a woman, your body knows what do to and will be able to adequately provide for your baby. But you have to have the right mind set, in my opinion. If you think you will try, versus, you will, then you might only try and not do. -follow me here?!

When my son was born, and the nurse handed him to me to, well... nurse, he did just that. I like to believe that I had a hand in that going so smoothly by assuming he would just know what to do. And he did. And I didn't...but I believed in myself! And here I am now, a 24/7 milking parlor!

So, do or do you breastfeed? And how did you approach it?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Welcome to Adventures in Breastfeeding!

This new blog is here to share tales & treasures .... and nightmares about breastfeeding!

Do you feel like a milking parlor open 365 days a year? Or do you WISH you did?

Let's share!
