Thursday, April 14, 2011

Breast Pad FAIL!

I like to think that the though of going out in public for extended periods of time right now is the same way I feel when I have a dream that I am standing in front of a crowd...naked!

I am 5 weeks into EBF my son and though I have read that your boobs stop leaking once they get on schedule with your child, it seems my child and boobs haven't settled on a schedule yet. And let's face it, I cannot sit, holed up, in this house forever. I NEED to get out! I WANT to get out. I DON'T WANT the whole world staring at me because I have a wet spot on my shirt the size of the Atlantic.

Yesterday, my mom and I went out shopping with the little man and had lunch. At one point, I was BF'ing in a changing room at JC Penney's. My milk supply seemed to be on overhaul and my dear Son was so 'stuffed' he couldn't bear the thought of one more drop. I was in pain. I was expressing by hand in rest rooms just to get relief. I figured between my layered shirts and breast pads, I wouldn't need to worry about a leak showing up. Boy was I wrong.

As my mom and I left the restaurant we had lunch at, my hand swiped over my shirt and I felt a cool sensation. I looked done and gosh darn it, there it was. The Atlantic. All across the lower half of my shirt. And my mother wanted to know how it got down there....then finished her own question by answers, "Oh, your boobs hang out down there now too!"

Let's hear it! Share your epic Breast Pad Fail/Leak in Public Incident.

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